The MA Repay Student Loan Repayment Program offers student loan repayment awards to eligible health and human service professionals

why apply?

By committing to work within an eligible healthcare or human service setting for a specified number of years, you can receive student debt relief paid directly to your loan servicer(s).

If awarded, you will:

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Receive payment towards your educational debt

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Contribute to enhancing essential services in underserved areas

Help bridge the gap in access to quality care, ensuring that more patients across the Commonwealth can receive the support they need

apply now

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The MA Repay program does not have student loan repayment initiatives open for application at this time. Information about any upcoming opportunities will be posted on this page. To be notified about any new programs, you can sign up for email updates below.

Stay Informed About New Programs

Since 2022, the MA Repay Program has launched multiple student loan repayment opportunities. To be notified about new programs, please complete the form below.

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Future Updates

Stay informed about all MA Repay program updates through our website and on our social media channels.